Can Yaman is one of the best known Turkish actors. He has become a truly international TV star, so that all the productions in which he participates, enjoy huge success. After all, what female fan of Turkish soap operas doesn’t want to see Can Yaman?
And this time we present to you a new series starring Can Yaman. No, it’s not that she won’t be acting anymore, don’t panic. Quite the contrary, he has made a new Turkish series known as “The Wrong Man” or “Mr. Wrong”. In this article we will show you all the details: his deluxe cast, his episodes, and where you can watch all the episodes for free in English.
Plot of the Turkish series Mr. Wrong
The plot of the Turkish series Mr. Wrong centers on Özgür Atasoy, who is a wealthy young restaurant owner, who as a result of having failed in numerous love affairs, has chosen to live a crazy life, without seeking to commit to anyone.
On the other hand, there is Ezgi İnal (Özge Gürel), a young woman in love and romantic, who unlike Özur, does have faith in love, only that she is going through a bad time, since her last boyfriend has betrayed her. Nevertheless, Ezgi is determined to find true love and get married.
However, as Ezgi sees that none of her conquests are successful, she has decided to Özgur, to teach her techniques that will allow her to get the man she can settle down with, and not end up leaving her.
In return, Ezgi agrees to accompany Özgur to his sister’s wedding, as Özgur’s mother longs to see her son married with children. However, what starts out as a simple deal, ends up becoming a love story.
The story of this telenovela does not stray far from the romantic comedies already practiced by its counterparts. However, if you are a fan of Turkish soap operas, we assure you that you will like this series.
Seasons and episodes
The series is really short, the series has only 14 episodes and only one season. Its broadcast started on June 26, 2020 and ended on October 2, 2020. Each of its chapters has a duration of approximately 130 minutes.
This soap opera known in its original language as “Bay Yanlış” was directed by Deniz Yorulmazer. The script was written by Aslı Zengin and Banu Zengin. As for its cast, it features the following stars:
- Can Yaman as Özgür Atasoy.
- Özge Gürel as Ezgi İnal
- Suat Sungur as Ünal Yılmaz
- Gürgen Öz as Levent Yazman
- Lale Başar as Sevim Atasoy
- Fatma Toptaş as Cansu Akman
Where to watch Mr. Wrong series in English
The official broadcasting channel of the series is Fox. In addition, you can watch the series and all the full episodes in English on various online platforms such as the one shown below. Of course, the quality of the series may be far from the best, after all, it is always better to opt for original products.
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