Lovebird series, also known as Çalıkuşu, is a Turkish drama-romance soap opera premiered in 2014. It is an adaptation of the book of the same name by Turkish writer Resat Nuri Güntekin.
On this occasion, we present this novel along with all the information you should know about it: plot, trailer, seasons, chapters and the channels where you can watch it in English. So, without further ado, we invite you to stay and read.
Plot of the Turkish series Lovebird
The story of this Turkish series is set at the beginning of the 20th century, near the creation of the Turkish republic. It is there that Feride, a young orphan girl who was forced to live in a boarding school while visiting her aunt during the vacations, finds herself.
It is on these trips to her aunt’s house that she ends up falling in love with Kamram, her cousin, who soon becomes a respected doctor who becomes the pride of the family. What begins as an interest, mutates into a love that grows and intensifies as the days go by.
The novel itself is a journey into Feride’s life. The story is told by Feride herself, who narrates her experiences in the form of a diary.
The story is divided into several sections. In the first, Feride tells us about her childhood, starting from the beginning and ending up narrating the events that led her to end up in a hotel room. In the second section, which is the longest, her various adventures in Anatolia are described.
In the third section, we see for the first and only time a third-person narration, of someone recounting Feride’s visit home.
Thus, Feride’s life is narrated, his various relationships, the different people he meets, all the journeys he takes and, in short, his development as a person and the way he copes with the hardships he has had to go through.
Seasons and episodes
The series premiered in 2014 and has a total of 30 episodes distributed in a single season. Each episode has a duration ranging between 120 and 140 minutes.
The series was directed by Çağan Irmak and Doğan Ümit Karaca, while the script was written by Sevgi Yılmaz. As for its top cast, it is made up as follows:
- Burak Özçivit as Kamran
- Fahriye Evcen as Feride
- Mehmet Özgür as Seyfettin
- Elif İskender as Besime
- Ebru Helvacıoğlu as Necmiye
- Deniz Celiloğlu as Selim
Where to watch the TV drama Lovebird in English
The official broadcast channel for the series Lovebird is Kanal D. However, you can also watch the series online on the various websites and platforms available on the internet. Take a look at the following link: