Love and Hate is an intense Turkish TV drama of love and revenge. This series premiered in 2016 stands as a series that presents a story that, although it is not entirely new, has certain nuances that make it very interesting.
On this occasion, we will present you everything you should know about the series Love and Hate, also known in its original language as “Aşk ve Mavi“. Here we will tell you about its synopsis, the actors and actresses who participate in it, the seasons and episodes it has, and the places where you can watch it.
Plot of the Turkish series Love and Hate
The plot of the Love and Hate series presents a story where revenge is the driving force behind the actions of its protagonists. This novel is shaping up to be an intense drama that will hook you from beginning to end.
The story in question revolves around Ali, who is the son of a wealthy family. Ali is in prison because when he was 30 years old he took Ahmet’s life right after their wedding.
As his release date approached, Ali began exchanging letters with a girl on the outside named Mavi. Once he is released, the two young men meet, formally start a relationship and then decide to get married.
What Ali doesn’t know, however, is that the fact that Mavi made exact contact with him, choosing him from among all the prisoners, is not the result of a coincidence; in fact, it is all premeditated and part of a plan by Mavi, who is Ahmet’s sister.
Mavi has waited all this time to carry out her revenge, her plan consists of falling in love with Ali, marrying him and then murdering him during their wedding night, in the same way Ahmet, her brother, died.
Seasons and episodes
The telenovela Love and hate has 78 episodes distributed in 3 seasons. The official broadcast took place from November 4, 2016 to November 16, 2018. Each episode is on average more than one hour in length.
- Season 1: 32 episodes
- Season 2: 37 episodes
- Season 3: 9 episodes
The series was directed by Hakan Arslan, while the script was written by Gül Abus Semerci and Yelda Eroğlu.
- Emrah Erdoğan as Ali Göreçki
- Burcu Kıratlı as Mavi Yılmaz Göreçki
- Kenan Bal as Fazıl Göreçki
- Cüneyt Mete as Cemal Göreçki
- Işıl Yücesoy as Refika Göreçki
- Ayşegül Ünsal as Hasibe Yılmazl
- Birgül Ulusoy as Birgül
Where to watch the TV drama Love and Hate in English
The official broadcast channel for the series Love and Hate is FOX. However, you can also watch the series online on the various websites and platforms available on the internet. Take a look at the following link: